About Us

Here we are, 2 middle-aged wanna-be hippies and enthusiastic foodies with very itchy feet and a love of overland travel.  As luck would have it, we are very fortunate to be able to mix work and travel.

We love our lives in England, but we also love to slow down and slip into a simpler life where there is day time and night time, where we can stop for lunch and stay till Thursday and where the sun (nearly always!) shines.

We’ll be keeping a diary of our experiences and would love to share this with you.  You may also notice the blog entries have more than their share of food – as unashamed foodies, we take huge pleasure in finding out out different food cultures and experiences, with a little sightseeing and relaxation as well, and hope you’ll enjoy them too.  Just click on BLOG above and dive in.  We’d love you to leave any comments – even just to say hi – at the end of each blog.

We may not be able to update our diary every day or even every week (depends on how laid back we’re feeling) so if you want to keep up with the blog, simply use the Subscribe option on the right of the Blog page and we’ll automatically send you an email when a new blog is posted.

We hope you enjoy our trips with us.

Happy reading!

Meet the Team

“The Adventurers”

The Driver

Intrepid driver, fixer of all things, twitcher, hunter & brewer of alcohol, the calm one of our duo, reluctant blogger & nerd of note

AKA the gorgeous Mr T

The Passenger

Navigator, audio manager, forager of markets & food, blogger & writer of diary, financial organiser & wizard backseat driver

The Vehicle

Kaya, our beloved Bailey 730 pronounced kai- (rhymes with tie)-ya.  So named because the Zulu word for home or dwelling is “kaya” (and the letters in her registration make up the word)